3 Reasons to Add Zoning to Your HVAC System

3 Reasons to Add Zoning to Your HVAC System

If you add zoning to your heating and cooling system, you’ll never have to heat or cool unoccupied areas of your home. You can set a different temperature for every zone, and dampers or baffles in your ductwork will direct the air in your HVAC system where...
4 Tips to Reduce Your Heating Costs This Winter

4 Tips to Reduce Your Heating Costs This Winter

While keeping your home warm in the chilling winter of Denton, North Carolina, your HVAC system is bound to consume a lot of energy. Scheduling regular maintenance and completing a handful of other tasks can help you cut down on heating costs this winter. Schedule...
Why Does My HVAC System Have Frozen Coils?

Why Does My HVAC System Have Frozen Coils?

When you turn on your AC or heat pump, do you hear crackling noises like ice breaking? That’s an indication your Ramseur, North Carolina, home’s coils are frozen. There are a number of reasons your HVAC system can have frozen coils, including dirt buildup and...
How to Resolve Household Temperature Disputes

How to Resolve Household Temperature Disputes

If your family argues about the thermostat settings in your Asheboro, North Carolina, home, you need a plan. Stop household temperature disputes to avoid higher energy bills and more stress on your HVAC system. Agree On the Department of Energy’s Guidelines...
4 Houseplants That Aggravate Allergy and Asthma Symptoms

4 Houseplants That Aggravate Allergy and Asthma Symptoms

Though the right houseplants in your Randleman, North Carolina, home can help clean the air, many homeowners make mistakes when purchasing indoor plants. Instead of cleaning your home’s air, some plant species can aggravate allergies and worsen asthma symptoms. Roses...